More Milk V1.0.0.0 LS25

More Milk V1.0.0.0 LS25
This mod allows you to change in Farming Simulator 2025 (FS25) the milk liters that your farm with your animals produce per hour, this should work also with any animal that producing milk (cows + goats), also you have the opportunity to adjust the multiplier under game General Settings directly, just make sure that if you change any setting under the game settings menu then you have make a new save game to push the settings from the game into a file named moreMilk.xml that is being created under modSettings in your :/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/ game folder.
This mod does NOT working (for now) under multiplayer!
Download the mod, after downloading save the file into your mod folder under :/DocumentsMy Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods direction.
Launch the game, and activate the mod.
Once you are inside the game, customize any of the More Milk settings as needed within the ESC -> Settings -> General Settings tab.