Fendt 900 Agribumper v1.0.5.0 LS25

Fendt 900 Agribumper v1.0.5.0 LS25
NEW: Front axle can be lowered with sound
NEW: Interior paneling (beige) now freely color-adjustable
NEW: CCI 200 Horsch display for soil cultivation (full function only with DBL)
FIX: Permanent lighting of the parking brake in the front display (now only lights up when starting)
Agribumper weight configurable 400-1800kg
Main color configurable Fendt+Agribumper
Rim color configurable
Front axle can be lowered with mouse control and sound
Agribumper: Speed camera configurable
Agribumper: Driving light configurable
Agribumper: Side light configurable
Agribumper: Original prices
Beacon between rotating light and speed camera
Daytime running light color configurable
CCI200 Terminal: Lemken/Zunhammer/Kuhn/Krone/Amazone/Horsch
Decorative light configurable
CB radio configurable with lighting
Animated antenna and cable for CB radio
Display start images
Display dark mode when light is switched on
Interior paneling (beige) Free color customization
Thanks to madabub from Vertexdezign for the release
Thanks to Farming Dud`s for the release