DeathValley V1.0.0.0 LS25

DeathValley V1.0.0.0 LS25

Welcome to Deathvalley
– 145 fields with missions – small/medium/large. Transport missions, dead wood, wood transport.
– grass and rice fields and forests
– batments to build
– 1 complete farm in new farmers and locations for the creation of a farm.
– Numberux point of sale a lot of factory
The beta mod is just for the corrections to be made and the improvements
This is the first map I put
I hope you will like map

Creation fields 171 dish for a farm
Road cleaning
Floating trees Correct
Creation grazing for cows around 600 in capacity
Decor add to the map
Location addition for factories

Credits: thierry69

How to use LS25 Mod

All Farming Simulator 25 mods are to change the gameplay, create new content, or add more items to the Farming Simulator 25 game. So downloading and installing this kind of FS25 mod is the best way to update your basic game version. Select this or any other Farming Simulator mod and copy it to your mods folder. We recommend you modify the game with new Tractors, Trucks, Machines, or Maps for FS25. So don't wait, choose the mod and create your own game with LS25 mods for PC version right now!

Best LS25 Maps

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