Rettenbach Plus v1.2.0.0 LS25

Rettenbach Plus v1.2.0.0 LS25

Welcome to Rettenbach this is a fictional map. Here I make my RettenbachPlus available this card is a fictitious card it has multifruit modified feeding.
In total the map offers 221 fields of which 35 are meadows 5 large forests In addition, fresh alfalfa and hay can be fed in addition to mineral feed carrots can be fed

Floating NPC removed
Cement factory fence completed
Gas station grass removed
Pig farm near the tree grass added
Main farm tree moved near the silo was too close
BGA shelter near grass removed
Zip file modified. You shouldn’t need to rename anything after downloading. If not, please let me know.
New save game required

This map is a fictional map and t has multi-crop crops. Modified feeding

What awaits you on the map:
– 4 pre-built courtyards
– an open space for a courtyard to choose from
– 3 cow yards
– 1 pig farm
– 1 bag
– 222 fields in total, 35 of which are meadows
– The fields range in size from 0.19HA to 6.54HA
– 5 larger forests

I hope you have fun on the map.

Credits: B4yernG4mingsAgrar

How to use LS25 Mod

All Farming Simulator 25 mods are to change the gameplay, create new content, or add more items to the Farming Simulator 25 game. So downloading and installing this kind of FS25 mod is the best way to update your basic game version. Select this or any other Farming Simulator mod and copy it to your mods folder. We recommend you modify the game with new Tractors, Trucks, Machines, or Maps for FS25. So don't wait, choose the mod and create your own game with LS25 mods for PC version right now!

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