Norddeutsche Insel v1.0.7.0 LS25

Norddeutsche Insel v1.0.7.0 LS25
Welcome back to the North German island.
Version 1.0.7
Minor bug fixes
No new save game required
Some people will know the map from LS22. But I built the map completely from scratch, only the roads are roughly the same as in 22.
19 fields
6 meadows
2 farms
Farm 1: cowshed, multi-fruit silo, greenhouse, silo and 3 shelters
Farm 2: 2 cowsheds, 2 shelters, farmhouse, multi-fruit silo, 2 silos
2 sales points
1 production (dairy) Can be purchased above the farmland
You can take a ferry to another island where the cattle dealer is located.
Credits: der_halbprofi